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A New Player has Joined the Game!

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2019 12:10 pm
by Drunkk ... 180579.gif

Tressie has already sent me a ginvite, but I wanted to post this so you all get to know me a bit more.

1.) List your character(s) and armory link you would like to join with....
I will be rolling whatever class you tell me will be most helpful. I hear you need ranged DPS that isn't a hunter. I'd like to do something that will help the most.
As of now my first main Jackos is in the guild: ... nor/jackos

120s since BFA:
Most recent: ... wer/drunkk

Two I played at launch, but stopped when I took a break in January: ... n/drinkker ... on/drunkko

My familiarity with classes In order is: Warrior > Rogue > Paladin > Monk > Priest > Hunter > Everything else.

2.) List any alts (all alts welcome to the guild) you would like to join with....
None at the moment for myself. A good friend of mine would like to join also, not to raid just to be part of the community, she's a great person to have around! ... r/vvanille

3.) What are you looking for in a guild?...
Online friends to socialize and group with. I'm pretty chill but like being the best at what I do. Being able to group as a unit and have fun is the most important aspect for me. (Continued in depth under bullet #7)

4.) What guilds have you been in before (list most recent first please)
The Winter Phoenix on Bonechewer, Officer
No on Turalyon, Office

5.) How many raids per week can you attend (pease list days and times available) Please visit our current raid callendar at phpraider/index.php
That link doesn't work. Xerseus told me raid times are Mon, Wed, and Fri 2000-2300 if I remember correctly.
I should be able to make every Wednesday night barring any meetings Thursday morning.
I can make about half the Friday raids,
Mondays are the most difficult because I run meetings every Tuesday morning.

If needed I can make at least the first one or two hours Mon and Wednesday, but would need to drop out early. I'm happy to give more details about my work/game life privately to explain what I do and why it's important.

6.) Do you have an Authenticator?
Of course, in this day and age why wouldn't you?

7.) Tell us about yourself..
I'm a 34 year old IT professional. I work at a web host and have been playing WoW since vanilla. I've held almost every position in guilds around: GM, RL, Class Officer, etc. I'm not looking to take usurp any leadership roles to be honest. I want to focus on being the best I can. I close real life friend is in the guild (Xerseus) and was talking to me today. I am familiar with almost every class in the game. I mainly have tanked since WotLK, but found myself effective in anything I do because I study on my own time.

I don't feel the need to rely on guild members to direct me to play my own character, but gladly help others when needed. I've even helped guildies with out of game issues, writing communication for work, fixing resumes, finding replacement computer parts or accesories, and a whole bunch of other things. When joining a guid I'm all in, for all aspects. I want to be part of a community, not just a raid group.

I'm looking to join FD to have an active guild again, the last several I was in fell apart shortly after expansions or major patches do to lack of recruitment and planning.

8.) How did you hear aobut Forsaken Dreams?
Xerseus speaks highly of you all. I hope you like him, if you don't I've never heard of him. /jedimindtrick

9.) Do you have a microphone and does it work along with Ventrillo on your system? We also require Teamspeak3 so are you able to download it?
I've been using Discord mostly (admin and user), but have ran my own TS3 and Vent servers before, I am comfortable and familiar with using both of those.